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832 data/2016-07/P(1)0000194.pdf 1240 6508 BLACK DOLLARS MATTER While Black activists are trying to strict American government’s attention by organizing protests, Black bank owners urge Black Americans to transfer money into their banks. A few days ago there were started the #MoveYourMany campaign which the main goal is to demonstrate the value of Black lives within America. At the request of rapper Killer Mike, over 8,000 people have transferred their money into BIack—owned banks in the last 5 days. 50 years ago Martin Luther King Jr. requested Blacks to replace their funds from non-Black banks to BIack-owned institutions which would help to empower and advance Black community. The best way to fight the system is to break its capitalist back which is why it is important for Blacks to invest in ourselves! https://www.facebook.com/WiIliamsKalvin-788980617892144/ 500.00 RUB 2016-07-21T09:17:51-07:00 2016-07-22T09:17:50-07:00

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