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830 data/2016-03/P(1)0001501.pdf 416 4234 Ku Klux Klan is a movement in the United States that have advocated through terrorism for white supremacy, white nationalism and anti-immigration. They normally aimed at groups whom they opposed. The Klan held an anti- immigration rally on Saturday. They got surrounded by group of protesters who beat and kicked them violently. On Monday evening, a crowd of Civil right protesters gathered for a vigil against Ku Klux Klan. It was a march where the protesters carried signs that had the inscription “Power through Peace”. This march was an intended peaceful march which was meant to bring peace and unity. Subscribe to my Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ChahnellUCszPCwUDPvDCR6VRaOCDtg Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Williams8kalvih https://www.facebook.com/Williamsathalvin/ 533.47 RUB 2016-03-11T00:38:58-08:00 2016-03-13T00:38:57-08:00

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