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826 data/2016-03/P(1)0001495.pdf 0 0 It is so disheartening knowing that people are put behind bars because they failed to settle a fine. Most people are jailed because one way or the other there was no money to do what was necessary at a particular time even though they were innocent. Prosecutors have developed this platform as a gold mine, extracting huge sum of money from Civilians. You can be put behind bars if you fail to comply with the demands. Suddenly one’s life becomes tattered when jail comes in, because there is no freedom of making a better living. Federal prosecutors should shake up and hold judges and all these people who take advantages of people by making them pay huge sums of money or put someone behind bars because he/she couldn’t pay a fine. Follow my Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WilliamsandKalvin Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ChannellUCszPCwUDPvDCR6VRaOCDtg Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Williams8kalvin https://www.facebook.com/Wil|iamsKa|vin-788980617892144/ 0.00 USD 2016-03-24T06:22:02-07:00 2016-03-25T06:22:01-07:00

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