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78 data/2016-06/P(1)0001842.pdf 1739 44405 Black Community! We finally made a website! News about black racial and social issues. Get breaking news and analysis on the life of African American community in the US. Black Matters Chicago IPRA Finally Gets Dashcam Video Of Darius Pinex Shooting It took over five years for the IPRA to get the key evidence in the fatal police shooting of a black Chicago man committed in 2011. Orlando Nightclub Massacre And The Race Factor Orlando tragedy shed light on how hate and terrorism can destroy innocent lives within a matter of seconds. Pepper-Sprayed Victim Donates $100K Settlement To Social Justice A Seattle high school history teacher Jesse Hagopian, pepper- sprayed by police, says he’ll donate the $100K settlement to help movement forjustice. NYPD Cop Pulls A Gun On Black Cyclist In Fender-Bender A 21-year-old black cyclist plans to sue a white NYPD police officer for threatening his life by pointing a gun at him during a fender-bender. Black Matters https://b|ackmattersus.com/ 5940.92 RUB 2016-06-16T01:32:37-07:00  

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