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76 data/2016-05/P(1)0000030.pdf 3402 89836 Black Community! We finally made a website! News about black racial and social issues. Get breaking news and analysis on the life of African American community in the US. Black Matters Hillary Doesn’t Deserve Black Votes Young black voters give up on Mrs. Clinton Outraged Flint Resident: “Lawsuit Must Be Filed Against State!” Flint Water Crisis touched the feelings of all Americans and the whole world. Justice For Aiyana Jones Rally The tragic death of Aiyana Jones, a 7-year-old African-American fatally shot by a Detroit police officer 4 Officers, Who Shot Jeremy McDole, Won’t Face State Charges, Family Protests In Wilmington Friday The tragic alleged murder of Jeremy McDole happened last September after he had been “robbed and shot by an unknown robber,” Black Matters https://b|ackmattersus.com/ 14182.61 RUB 2016-05-24T00:19:06-07:00  

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