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id file clicks impressions text url spend_amount spend_currency created ended
696 data/2016-05/P(1)0002650.pdf 1 13 America is on the brink of economic collapse. Our government‘s decisions are bringing our country Closer and Closer to the abyss. Insane amount of tax dollars are being spent on illegal immigration and warfare instead of education, healthcare and Veterans. Our government needs to be put to sleep. We need a new, fresh start. We need a leader who will revive and restore the beauty of America and make it great again, someone with strong moral compass and patriotism in his soul. WE NEED TRUMP! https://www.facebook.com/Secured-Borders-757183957716200/ 100.00 RUB 2016-05-05T08:04:17-07:00 2016-05-06T08:04:16-07:00

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