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654 data/2015-06/P(1)0002571.pdf 49 691 NOM’S LAST ATTEMPT TO BAN SAME SEX MARRIAGE National Organization for Marriage is asking all of the GOP presidential candidates to sign an anti-equality pledge. Let’s take a look at just how crazy this pledge gets. That’s just nuts! They want candidates to support a constitutional amendment to ban marriage nationwide. This will never happen. For the last decade public support for marriage equality has gone from 35 percent to 55 percent! But they don’t stop there. NOM also wants candidates to “work to overturn any Supreme Court decision” in favor of the freedom to marry. NOM wants the president to only nominate judges who will uphold marriage bans, but at this point, legal consensus so strongly supports marriage equality that supporting marriage bans is a sign that person isn’t qualified to be a judge. Also, NOM wants the candidates to weaken Civil rights laws, creating loopholes to let companies and Citizens to discriminate if they Cite a religious justification. That could actually happen — and it already has in some states — so it’s a huge concern. And fifth, they want the Department of Justice to investigate harassment against people who oppose marriage equality. Sure, gays and lesbians are harassed every day, fired, kicked out of their homes and schools, separated from theirfamilies, but I really hope soon there’ll be NO MORE of it! There’s a part of me that feels very sad for NOM’s fanatics. When they finally kick the bucket, they’ll be dealing with the reality (whether they openly face it or not) that their Life’s Work has amounted to NOTHING. Nothing they worked for made anyone’s life better. At all. They didn’t win, and they wasted their lives fighting against the inevitable. And when they’re dead and gone, they’ll be remembered only as footnotes in shameful history — or more likely they ‘ll be forgotten completely. #LGBT #NOM #SameSexMarriage #Marriage #SCOTUS #equality https://www.facebook.com/LGBT-United-839497472793277/ 183.93 RUB 2015-06-23T07:03:47-07:00 2015-06-24T07:03:47-07:00

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