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651 data/2015-07/P(1)0000176.pdf 0 0 Nature Chooses who will be transgender; individuals don't Choose this We received a letter... the history of life... «Hello! Just wanted to see if you could share my coming out as trans story on your page. I have been on a long, rough journey to this point and I think my story could help younger trans youth see that no matter how bad it gets it always gets better. I would really appreciate this because I want to become someone who inspires the LGBT community to be themselves! Ever since I was little, I knew I was different. I wasn’t like any of the other kids. I had a unique way of thinking and often that left me isolated. Something I still feel the sting of today. Unlike most boys who played with Spiderman and Superman action figures when they were little, I played with barbies... I wanted to look like them. I wanted to be them. It felt right playing with these dolls. I had to hide when I did it though because even at an early age, I knew boys weren’t supposed to play with dolls. Once I had gotten got caught by my grandmother’s ex husband and he told me to put them away and stop being a sissy..." Please spend 5 minutes to read this letter... it is very important just to be head”. Thank you for your brave act! You are a true hero! Please share your stories and photos... Inspire us and others! https://www.facebook.com/LGBT—United—839497472793277/ 0.00 USD 2015-07-10T05:35:43-07:00 2015-07-11T05:35:42-07:00

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