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650 data/2015-07/P(1)0002567.pdf 184 1359 CONGRATS TO ALL THE GAY COUPLESH After a long fight, you have your much deserved rights! Same-sex married couples can start applying for Social Security and veterans benefits in all 50 states even though there are still issues to fix as the federal government works to implement the Supreme Court ruling allowing gay couples to marry nationwide. It is good to be happy! Maybe one day our rights won't be determined based on what group we belong to. Until then some will be more equal than others. I think as long as government provides special benefits to married people, all Citizens should have equal access to those benefits, regardless of whom they love! https://www.facebook.com/LGBT-United-839497472793277/ 381.34 RUB 2015-07-10T07:26:53-07:00 2015-07-13T07:26:52-07:00

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