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646 data/2015-07/P(1)0000168.pdf 156 1400 This man is great example of human filth and liesll Rape Childrehl?! Really?! Are you nuts?! Louisiana Justice Refuses To Obey Supreme Court, Writes Opinion Implying Gay People Rape Their Children Raising children and starting a family is something that all people look forward to in life! We arejust people, not criminals! AND WE LOVE CHILDREN, NOT RAPEll We are all equal! It is better for Child to live with homosexual parents then to live on the street or in orphanage! Millions of children need love and they don't care if our love is different. Why should we let those children that are left on the streets be on the streets when a warm and open home are open to them?! I don't understandll https://www.facebook.com/LGBT-United-839497472793277/ 400.00 RUB 2015-07-10T05:35:23-07:00 2015-07-11T05:35:23-07:00

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