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645 data/2015-07/P(1)0002565.pdf 443 1927 BACK IN LOVE! CAITLYN JENNER REPORTEDLY DATING FELLOW TRANSGENDER WOMAN CANDIS CAYNE It looks like 65-year-old reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner has found love again. After getting divorced from Kris Jenner earlier this year, Caitlyn has not been linked with any love interest. According to reports, she is now dating Candis Cayne, 44, an actress and a fellow transgender woman. Caitlyn and Candis had amazing Chemistry. After her monumental life Change, Caitlyn’s ready to open up her heart again and really, how could you ask for a more perfect fit as a romantic partner than Candis? She’s been basically through the same struggles and confusion, so she’d be the perfect person for Caitlyn to lean on as she continues herjourney of transition. Candis is smart, funny, talented and drop-dead sexy! https://www.facebook.com/LGBT-United-839497472793277/ 400.00 RUB 2015-07-10T05:34:53-07:00 2015-07-11T05:34:52-07:00

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