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641 data/2015-07/P(1)0002561.pdf 194 1469 FEMALE SOCCER PLAYERS GET MARRIED, HAVE PERFECT MESSAGE FOR HATERS! Meet professional soccer players Erin McLeod and Ella Masar, who play for Houston Dash in the National Women's Soccer League. The long-time partners married this week, just days after the end of the Women's World Cup. Along with sincere congratulations, the couple also received plenty of negative messages, from people who didn't think two women should get married. Masar had this perfect message for those people. In spite of all their hatred her message is full of love because love wins despite any obstacles! "Thank you for praying for me and reinforcing my own prayers because as you pray, "Lord please help Ella, allow her to see her sin for loving that woman, for respecting her, being faithful, honoring her, etc Know I am saying the same thing, "my Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me find my better half, for finding someone that strengthens my faith and allows me to be the person I always imagined. Thank you for teaching me what truly loving someone and others is all about, amen." Congratulations, you two! We hope you both have a full and wonderful life together! #lgbt #lovewihs #MarriageEquality #lesbians https://www.facebook.com/LGBT-United-839497472793277/ 287.34 RUB 2015-07-15T08:27:06-07:00 2015-07-16T08:27:05-07:00

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