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627 data/2016-03/P(1)0000146.pdf 0 0 ??? FinallyH It took long enough! It's so strange that there are individuals and groups out there still living in the past! For the first time, LGBTQ groups included in NYC’s St. Patrick’s parade The nation’s largest St. Patrick’s Day parade kicked off Thursday in New York City, and for the first time in decades, gay activists are not decrying it as an exercise in exclusion. The first of roughly 200,000 marchers began striding up Fifth Avenue just after 11 am. in a procession of throbbing pipes and drums, smiling dignitaries and waving flags. Thank you!! Now we can come out of the Closet and show you who we are! I have a fundamental objection to creating divisions , groups , categories of Citizens. Black, white, rich, poor, nationality and gender... Just be people! https://www.facebook.com/LGBT-United-839497472793277/ 0.00 USD 2016-03-24T00:08:02-07:00 2016-03-25T00:08:02-07:00

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