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614 data/2015-08/P(1)0000142.pdf 2341 22805 Discrimination runs rampant in too many people in this country - and it comes in too many forms. Ok! ljust noticed one interesting thing... The kids that need foster care come from heterosexual families. So I think the straights should be banned from being foster parents! A Kansas Department of Children and Families official said that the state will continue to allow qualified single adults to serve as foster parents for abused and neglected Children, but she said her agency isn’t ready to say whether it will allow married same-sex couples to do so. Oh God... Just because your gay doesn't make you any less of a human or any less deserving of any right afforded to anyone else! Anyone who believes that a gay person is below a straight person needs treatment! It is time for this freaking discrimination to end! They have no valid reasons for denying married gays from adopting and fostering kids. All they are doing is denying kids loving homes because of their own bigotry. https://www.facebook.com/LGBT—United—839497472793277/ 1700.00 RUB 2015-08-04T06:19:55-07:00 2015-08-08T13:19:00-07:00

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