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573 data/2015-07/P(1)0002456.pdf 469 3576 Remember when African Americans couldn't drink from the same drinking fountains as whites? Remember when gay people couldn't get married? Both scenarios sound so ridiculous. Especially when you think about how much money is to be gained if same-sex couples are legally allowed to get married. A majority of small business owners believe companies shouldn’t be allowed to withhold goods or services from lesbian, gay,bisexual or transgender people based on an owner’s religious beliefs, according to a survey released Monday. Of course marriage is good for the business - no matter who it is that is marrying. It's a billion dollar industry in our country! I am certain that if a state supported marriage for all, then business would flourish. No one would be offended by not being considered legitimate, when their feelings are legitimate. https://www.facebook.com/LGBT-United-839497472793277/ 931.96 RUB 2015-07-14T07:02:42-07:00 2015-07-16T07:02:00-07:00

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