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549 data/2015-07/P(1)0002422.pdf 8 22 The US. flag hasn’t been lowered in honor of the murdered Marines Monday morning, July 20, the US flag continued to fly at the top of the White House and the US capitol building despite the fact that a gunman killed five US Marines in Chattanooga, Tenn. President Obama hasn’t ordered to lower a flag, though a federal law states that the flag shall be flown at haIf-staff upon the deaths of principal figures or the governor can lower the US flag in his or her state following the deaths of officials or members of the US Army. By contrast, Obama ordered the flags to haIf-staff following on the same day that as the shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. The flag was lowered to haIf-staff the day following the terrorist attack during the Boston marathon, the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard and the following the death of Nelson Mandela. But it hasn’t yet been lowered in honor of the service members murdered in Tennessee. By doing so Obama shows the highest degree of disrespect for the fallen soldiers. It turns out that for him the soldiers as well as veterans do not deserve any attention or respect. Soldiers are needed only when it is necessary to send them to the next unknown operation. They considered as meat. But in reality, they are our heroes! They were victims of a terrorist attack. They were victims of a man who at first won refugee status and then decided to kill in the name of Allah. In general during the Obama presidency the country was divided in many ways: racism became more evident, the number of illegal immigrants, who do not even bother to learn English, because it’s enough to speak Spanish, has increased. https://www.facebook.com/patriototus 6.76 RUB 2015-07-21T07:21:41-07:00 2015-07-23T07:21:40-07:00

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