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542 data/2015-12/P(1)0000120.pdf 3298 16250 A heavily armed Syed Farook, his wife and brother opened fire on a holiday banquet for his co-workers Wednesday, killing 14 people and seriously wounding more than a dozen others in a precision assault. Hours later, two terrorists died in a shootout with San Bernardino police. One shooter still at large. It is known that gunmen are Muslims. They are very religious and probably linked with ISIS. California shooting should become a lesson for the administration — accepting refugees from Syria threatens the National security. It’s tragedy. Enemies of America attacked our people again. Unfortunately, today we have no strong leader who is courageous enough to conquer terrorism. Nevertheless, we will not allow terrorists to Change our way of life. We will not allow them to restrict our freedoms. We express our sincere condolences to families of victims in California shooting. If you want to express sympathy for victims, Change your Facebook profile picture, using this web site http://imsanbernardino.info #IAmSanBernardino https://www.facebook.com/patriototus/ 4263.70 RUB 2015-12-03T06:25:21-08:00 2015-12-04T06:25:20-08:00

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