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523 data/2015-09/P(1)0002388.pdf 3712 26300 9/11: 14 years later. What were you doing? 14 years ago America has Changed forever. One of the darkest days in American history came. The tragedy of September 11th is still touching us. Some of us lost our family members or our friends, while others saw the terrorist attacks firsthand. RIP to all innocent victims, workers, police officers, firefighters and even dogs that died in this tragedy. This is a clay in our history that everyone is going to remember. Today we should honor the memory of the killed ones and share our stories. What were you doing on 9/11? I'd like to tell you #My911Story. l was only 15 when the attacks occurred. l was at school. I remember that somebody came and told us that there had been a serious bombing in NYC. We all said a prayer for the victims and went back to studies. But a few minutes later all students began receiving calls from their relatives. My mom called me crying. School was letting out early that day. When I came home I remember my dad watching the news and telling me that terrorists took responsibility for the attacks. And do you remember what you were doing on 9/11? #My911Story https://www.facebook.com/patriototus 6000.00 RUB 2015-09-08T07:46:14-07:00 2015-09-12T07:46:08-07:00

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