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518 data/2015-10/P(1)0002379.pdf 1840 13230 Common response after the massacre in Oregon is ‘I Want to Have a Gun’. “I want to have a gun in the house to protect myself, to protect the people I’m with. I’m sure I’ll have a normal life and never have to go through anything like this, but I want to be sure,” said Mr. Vicari, 19. The right to bear arms allows the people to protect themselves. Gun control will deprive them this opportunity. And criminals will buy a firearm illegally. I don’t know why some liberals are not able to understand it. Anyway, patriots stand for the 2nd amendment. We will never allow them to repeal or amend it! https://www.facebook.com/patriototus 1000.00 RUB 2015-10-09T08:07:23-07:00 2015-10-11T08:07:22-07:00

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