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510 data/2015-07/P(1)0002369.pdf 172 1423 A terrorist attack was conducted at two US. military sites in Chattanooga Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez was shot and killed by police after he attacked two military sites in Chattanooga, Tennessee and killed four US. Marines at the Navy Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve Center. Authorities say a man was a practicing Muslim. At present FBI is conducting an investigation. According to his beliefs, Mohammad was a fundamental Islamist. Having examined after his death his social pages, FBI has found that he kept a blog and had a note where he said that he conducted a terrorist act in obedience to Allah. It is notable that the terrorist attack was conducted in the last day of Ramadan. It is noteworthy that in his letter the terrorist didn’t refer to ISIS or AI-Qaeda; he acted in his own volition. We don’t want to stir up Islamophobia, but if such manifestations of Islam have place, it is very sorrowful for the United States. The situation in the Middle East and the extensive propaganda of ISIS make ordinary Muslims to become radical Islamists and take the path of war and death. If people on their own commit such attacks, the American society must take it more seriously. The society should develop a new behavioral model towards Islam, according to which, on the one hand Muslims and Christians will live comfortable together. And on the other hand, Muslims won’t tend to radical activities and the destruction of peaceful life of Americans. https://www.facebook.com/patriototus 300.00 RUB 2015-07-17T07:27:18-07:00 2015-07-19T07:27:17-07:00

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