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51 data/2016-07/P(1)0000024.pdf 393 12653 Get breaking news and analysis on the life of African American community in the US. Black Matters 4 Cops On 1 Teen: Brutality Against Juveniles L. A. County probation officers brutalize teen in detention center. Fox News Hosts Believe Charleston Shooting Wasn’t Hate Crime “Fox & Friends” hosts declare that the shooting was motivated by religious hatred towards Christians, but not racism. Brutal Alabama Cop Fatally Shoots Black Teen Holding Cellphone A mobile police officer fatally shot a 19-year-old black teen, Michael Moore, during a traffic stop Monday, June 13 in Toulminville, Alabama. Black Matters https://b|ackmattersus.com/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=Cpc&utm 1168.31 RUB 2016-07-06T07:18:32-07:00  

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