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506 data/2015-09/P(1)0002361.pdf 5 29 Why am | against individuals who live in the United States illegally? On the one hand, I have nothing against foreigners. On the other hand, I love the United States very much. If the government gives an amnesty to them who broke the immigration law, it doesn’t respect Americans who love their country. Why Citizens cannot break the law, but illegals can? What nonsense! Illegal immigrants work illegally and they don’t pay taxes. Many of them commit a crime. And the police have no their finger prints because illegals have never obtained US. visa. If people want to live in the United States, they should require U.S. residence permit. Illegals should not be amnestied. How can we be the greatest nation in the world, if we don’t respect our law? I am against illegals not because I am Chauvinist, but because I am patriot! https://www.faoebook.com/patriototus 11.06 RUB 2015-09-01T23:58:28-07:00 2015-09-02T23:58:28-07:00

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