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457 data/2015-08/P(1)0002305.pdf 55 553 Nearly half of students don't speak English at GA elementary school A Georgia elementary school launched a new program for upcoming school year that will rely on students who just learned English to help teach younger students the language. Almost half of students are served in our program for English as a second language, so it will take years before some students master the language. Immigrants use every excuse why they can't learn: poverty, racism, too much homework, the list is endless. The main question is why do American taxpayers should pay and take responsibility to provide translators for folks who don't make an effort to learn and speak English? This is unfair that those kids whose parents Chose to immigrate here (most illegally) are all on welfare. They know they don't have to work, because the government will take care of them. So, if the government continues to keep the same standards for illegal immigrants, America will become another 3rd world country. https://www.faoebook.com/patriototus 269.36 RUB 2015-08-06T02:44:52-07:00 2015-08-08T02:44:51-07:00

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