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432 data/2015-07/P(1)0002267.pdf 100 603 Andy Hallinan — a new justice fighter who banned Muslims from his shop Andy Hallinan, a Florida gun shop owner has banned Muslim customers from his store. He declared his shop a “Muslim-free zone” in response to a shooting in Chattanooga, where a Kuwait-born terrorist killed five US Marines. Hallinan announced his store’s new policy sitting against the Confederate flag. The video posted in Facebook became popular. What we can say? Hallinan is completely right! If the government cannot provide our security, then we must do everything possible to provide it. A lot of Muslims become Islamists, who pose a real threat to our national security. We consider that it is really dangerous to sell arms to Muslims, as there’re a lot of terrorists among them. The 2nd amendment was written for people, but it doesn’t relieve people of responsibility. https://www.faoebook.com/patriototus 164.49 RUB 2015-07-22T07:54:48-07:00 2015-07-24T07:54:47-07:00

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