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428 data/2015-07/P(1)0002261.pdf 0 0 Police Charges Black Student For Driving To A WeII-Iit Area Last time I checked US wasn’t involved in any wars or anti-terrorist operations, at least officially. Well, then how come Detroit is no less dangerous then (the City ranks third in the list of top 100 US most dangerous Cities)?? When 24-year-old DaJuawn Wallace saw flashing blue police lights in his rearview mirror he Chose to proceed with caution since some people are known to be robbed by fake police officers. He preferred to find a we||-|it area to pull over in. As a result, he was Charged with ‘fleeing’ police. People are terrified by the police to such a degree that they even prefer to communicate with officers only in the we||-|it areas. And get Charged for that. Sometimes it makes me actually think that when not involved in any military operations in the foreign countries, our country’s at war with its own Citizens with the help of police. https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 0.00 USD 2015-07-08T02:55:42-07:00 2015-07-09T02:55:41-07:00

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