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422 data/2015-06/P(1)0002255.pdf 73 733 Philosophy of African-American activist Huey Newton Huey Newton was an African-American political activist and a leader of generation of black, best known for founding the militant Black Panther Party in 1966. As a Child, Newton experienced racial discrimination that influenced him to create the Black Panther Party as a voice of black people. His party grew up to a size of 5,000 full time party workers in 45 branches across America and inspired generation in North America to join the struggle against oppression. But he was shot to death in August 1989. https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 173.41 RUB 2015-06-23T07:43:14-07:00 2015-06-24T07:43:14-07:00

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