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342 data/2015-06/P(1)0002128.pdf 46 866 Rachel Dolezal is wearing the other personā€˜s shoes. Rachel Dolezal drew attention to her racial identification. A white-born former NAACP leader Claimed to be black. The criticism towards Dolezal stems controversy around her identity and her position as the president of the NAACP in Washington. Today, Dolezal sees herself as first transracial. Rachel Dolezal stated that her racial identity was black, American Indian, white and two more races. Moreover if she proves that she is black, than anyone else will be able to prove that he/she is not even a human being. What do you think about her? What kind of rights should she have? https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 199.94 RUB 2015-06-18T02:50:25-07:00 2015-06-19T02:50:24-07:00

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