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332 data/2015-06/P(1)0002118.pdf 47 676 A woman pretended Afro—American to gain control over black community association The president of a local NAACP Chapter in Spokane, Washington is under investigation after her parents publicly accused her of lying being African American. Both parents of Rachel Dolezal are white. Rachel Dolezal also serves as the Chair of Spokane's Office of Police Ombudsman Commission and is an adjunct professor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University. Dolezal falsely identified herself as African-American in order to be appointed as a Chair. Dolezal's parents paid attention to the official documents, including a birth certificate, confirming that Rachel is part Swedish, Czech, and German with "traces" of Native American heritage. We see, how whites are trying to gain control over traditionally black organization that protects the rights and interests of the black community. In the Dolezal’s case it is unlikely it was a mistake or personally motivated fraud. Simply she was given a task to join the association of black community in order to control it and hold the interests of white majority. We need a deep inspection of Rachel Dolezal’s activities while she was a president of the local branch of the Association of black people! In order not to repeat similar cases in future we need a careful control of all appointments by black community! As it is, there is a dominance of whites in police departments and authorities of Cities with a predominantly black population! https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 89.51 RUB 2015-06-15T07:22:20-07:00 2015-06-16T07:22:20-07:00

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