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3296 data/2017-01/P(1)0005917.pdf 27 345 Native American teens made an interesting journey through their ancestral lands. The journey was led by Sarah Pemberton member of the Delaware Nation. Sarah and her partner Kyle Harris created a movie about the journey called "The Water Gap: Return to the Homelands" which already won the award at the Native American Film Festival of the Southeast. Propaganda of native culture and traditions is one of most powerful weapons in Native American fight for their rights. People have always tried to destroy things they don’t understand. And white people never understood native culture properly. Many teens who had native ancestors deep in the past know nothing about their culture. Films, journeys, even videos on Youtube, can help. https://www.facebook.com/Native-Amerioans-United-386046198404902/ 200.00 RUB 2017-01-31T23:31:59-08:00 2017-02-01T23:31:59-08:00

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