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3174 data/2016-11/P(1)0005774.pdf 0 0 | go on social media after taking a break and i read news all around our country and I'm like, really? Is that all we are capable of? Is that all we really wana achieve? To weep over Hillary's lost elections, as if our relative member died? Like wtf? people whining and crying like its our business if she is president. Damn people, it's a system. It doesnt matter who wins or loses! The point is that we've been fucked for over 300yrs and are still being f*cked, so let's fucking organizell That should be our only business!!! #wakeup #organize #joshuabeal #altonsterling #TerenceCrutoher #westandtogether #blacklivesmatter #unite4justice #hovem ber8 #elections2016 #black #melanin #blackisbeautiful #blacklivesmatter #blackgirlmagic #USA #blackahdproud #democrat #republioan #Africanamerican #unite4justice #vote #breakingnews https://www.facebook.com/Woke-Blacks-294234600956431/ 0.00 USD 2016-11-10T07:02:49-08:00 2016-11-11T07:02:49-08:00

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