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3171 data/2017-02/P(1)0005772.pdf 1864 10673 Lemme take a minute of your time and remind you how much we are magical on planet earth. This little King right here, now probably 11-years (8-y-o in the pic.) recently finished a Science Course at Imperial College London University was and still reigns as the smartest kid on planet earth, studied at the Oxford University at the age of 6. And yes, he was too advanced for his required school grade so that lead him into being homeschooled. He excels in Math, Foreign Languages, History, Philosophy, IT and Science. Now tell me Black people are not magic! #PanAfricanism #BIaokNationalism #BlackEmpowerment #AfricanEmpowermeht #AfricanAndProud #BIaCkAndProud #BlackPride #BlackPower #BIaCkLivesMatter #Amerikkka #UnapologeticallyBlack #UnapologeticallyAfrican #BlacklhAmerica #BlacklsBeautiful #KnowThySelf #KnowledgeOfSelf #KnowledgeOfSelflsANationaIity #EconomicEmpowerment #IhtegrationFailed #WhiteLiesMatter #Education #AfricanUnification #AfricanUnity #BlackLove #JusticeOrElse #ProBIack #Regrann #blackexcellence #goals https://www.facebook.com/Woke-B|acks-294234600956431/ 300.00 RUB 2017-02-22T05:59:16-08:00 2017-02-25T05:59:16-08:00

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