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3163 data/2016-11/P(1)0001161.pdf 83 711 This is exactly what i have been trying to tell y'all. Your vote should be precious to y'all ous its your power to put another person in authority over you, your freedom, your daily life and your safety. To most people, it's about just going out to vote, if you did just that because you want to, well done, if you didn't, aka #BOYCOTT just like me, you also got your reasons. BUT, let those reasons be genuine! Let them be your reasons, not influenced upon or manipulated in any way. I'm proud of this mama not because she didn't vote #Hillary or #Trump, but simply because she did her research, decided for herself, in her interest and the interest of her kids, and voted consciously! I'm glad i Choose not to be a part of this whole system. Im proud to be woke https://www.facebook.com/Woke—B|acks—294234600956431/ 58.99 RUB 2016-11-10T07:03:23-08:00 2016-11-11T07:03:23-08:00

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