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3135 data/2016-11/P(1)0005715.pdf 540 4514 Keep on whining and crying for your president, ooh, who wasn't elected. Imma take care of my kids. I'll keep grinding for them, to make sure the get the best education. To ensure they dress well and eat healthy food. And I'm gon tell you to do the same thing. Don't waste time on an "afterparty" you wouldn't have been invited to! #word #wakeup #organize #joshuabeal #altonsterling #TerenceCrutCher #westandtogether #blacklivesmatter #unite4justice #hovem ber8 #electi0h52016 #black #melanin #blackisbeautiful #blacklivesmatter #blackgirlmagic #USA #blackahdproud #democrat #republioan #Africanamerican #unite4justice #vote #breakingnews https://www.facebook.com/Woke-B|acks-294234600956431/ 69.00 RUB 2016-11-11T03:57:07-08:00 2016-11-14T03:57:07-08:00

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