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3117 data/2016-11/P(1)0005691.pdf 81 423 I stopped watching tv for new, cus i can't take all this bs. i see my people do! | wana put this out straight, once and for all! We all say it's a whiteman's world in the US. with white-favouring-rules and everything, right? So what makes you want to be a part of this system, in other terms, be a slave to this system? Why in the heck would you all be routing and rioting and fighting over and for a two-party government system that cares less about you? Damn, we all agreed with Kaepernick when he took the knee for us all, and now we all, outta fear join white democrats to riot Trump? Like wtf happened to we rising above the government system to improve our lives and not joining this whole racist bias system? Damn, that's sad! #wakeup #organize #joshuabeal #altonsterling #TerenceCrutCher #westandtogether #blacklivesmatter #unite4justice #hovem ber8 #elections2016 #black #melanin #blackisbeautiful #blacklivesmatter #blackgirlmagic #USA #blackahdproud #democrat #republioan #Africanamerican #unite4justice #vote #breakingnews https://www.facebook.com/Woke-Blacks-294234600956431/ 22.17 RUB 2016-11-15T04:56:29-08:00 2016-11-16T04:56:29-08:00

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