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2816 data/2016-11/P(1)0005368.pdf 0 0 This one is for ya'all brothers! If you exclusively date outside of your ethnicity and culture, you hate yourself. Don't talk to me until you start to love yourself. I'm going to get many people complaining about this post... I don't care. If you won't Check for your own people, seek help not more approval. I'm not saying you should ever Check for people outside of your culture, I am saying brothers if every women you have ever been with, isn't from your culture/ethnic group, you have issues of the mind. You are doing this not by love but on purpose, because you hate yourself subconsciously, it's ok, just love yourself and heal your illness. ? #westandtogether #melanin #blackisbeautiful #blacklivesmatter #blackgirlmagic #USA #blackahdproud #Africanamerican #unite4justice #melanin #ioahtbreathe #hood #blackgirl #blackbeauty #darkskin #blackqueen #blackqueehs #problaok #afro #afrocentric #boycott #hovem ber8 #elections2016 #ripaltonsterling #altonsterling #TerenceCrutCher https://www.facebook.com/Woke-B|acks-294234600956431/ 0.00 USD 2016-11-03T08:39:17-07:00 2016-11-06T07:39:17-08:00

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