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2811 data/2016-11/P(1)0001041.pdf 85 521 ‘KNOW YOUR RIGHTS CAMP is a free campaign for youth to raise awareness on higher education, seIf-empowerment, and instruction to properly interact with law enforcement in various scenarios.’ That is what organizers of campaign say about it. We say that it is very important for young Black people to be a part of our community! And this camp will help them with that! Young Blacks are educated and uplifted in rooms with walls full of art at this camp. They have opportunity to learn our history! Black history! By the way, this camp is supported by Colin Kaepernick! Black people are powerful together! http://knowyourrightscamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Black4BlaCk-1268698556482143/ 100.00 RUB 2016-11-03T07:50:05-07:00 2016-11-04T07:50:05-07:00

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