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2734 data/2017-03/P(1)0000987.pdf 2583 19536 We both fight the same system and we both will win in the future. Indigenous black Civilisations of America and our Civilisations were ruined by the same gabachos. And we both are growing in numbers, even whitewashed statistic, and officials prove it. Iowa Rep. Steve King said that "The United States is moving towards becoming, the whites becoming a minority, a majority- minority within the country." Also, he said that "Blacks and Hispanics will be fighting each other before overtaking whites in population", and this is exactly what authorities want. They will be ruling us while we would be too busy fighting each other! So, don't let this happen! Help black people in their struggle and let them help us! https://www.facebook.com/brownunitedfront/ 199.56 RUB 2017-03-15T07:59:42-07:00 2017-03-16T09:30:00-07:00

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