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2677 data/2017-04/P(1)0001324.pdf 4186 26724 | immigrated to the states when l was 5 along with my mother and two older siblings. During elementary, middle school and high school, Ifought every obstacle that was thrown my way. When I got to high school I began to take AP classes which led me to create a goal to continue onto higher education. Formal education allowed me to begin a career but most importantly it allowed me to figure out a special side of me. I am so blessed and humbled to be first—generation, undocumented, brown, and a product of the hard work of a single mother. https://www.facebook.com/brownunitedfront/ 400.00 RUB 2017-04-28T08:06:24-07:00 2017-05-01T07:18:00-07:00

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