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id file clicks impressions text url spend_amount spend_currency created ended
2675 data/2017-04/P(1)0000953.pdf 3993 21573 "This was the clay of my high school graduation day 06-07-2015. My father —was not there to see me walk and receive my diploma. That day he was working like every other day of the week. He works in agricultural farming, I am a Latina, my parents are Latinos working for the American dream. I had to go to him so he can see all his hard work paying off. Giving him my proof of what he has taught me. Your words don't have nothing against his sweat." https://www.facebook.com/brownunitedfront/ 400.00 RUB 2017-04-28T08:04:46-07:00 2017-04-29T10:15:01-07:00

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