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2434 data/2016-08/P(1)0004863.pdf 220 1422 8 August, 1974 Republican President Richard M. Nixon resigned. With impeachment proceedings underway against him for his involvement in the Watergate affair, Nixon was finally bowing to pressure from the public and Congress to leave the White House. Many people asked themselves: “How dare he to do that?” This is the awful part of our history, however, the similar actions still happen during current campaign: deleted emails, accident with Bernie Sanders and the DNC... This is bad and nobody cares. Does the political hypocrisy jump at the high level nowadays? https://www.facebook.com/Born-LiberaI-522628564598423/ 500.00 RUB 2016-08-10T04:45:57-07:00 2016-08-11T04:45:55-07:00

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