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2391 data/2016-11/P(1)0004788.pdf 0 0 January 15 marks the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., a great man who spent his public career working toward ending segregation and fighting racial discrimination. By recalling King’s vision we can have opportunities to build a more inclusive and just community that does not retreat from diversity but draws strength from it. In the face of violence directed at minority communities and in a deepening political divisions in the country, King’s words and philosophy are perhaps more critical for us today than at any point in the recent past. We’re coming together on January 15 to celebrate the life and achievements one of the most influential American Civil rights leaders. Don’t forget to bring your Children with you, because it’s important for them to know where they come from and their rich history. Join us on January 15! Let’s keep the dream alive! Martin Luther King Jr. Rally https://www.facebook.com/BM-173996283023459/ 0.00 USD 2016-11-22T05:24:39-08:00 2017-01-15T05:24:39-08:00

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