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id | file | clicks | impressions | text | url | spend_amount | spend_currency | created | ended |
2113 | data/2017-05/P(1)0004324.pdf | 391 | 3155 | Although the name Elijah McCoy may be unknown to most people,the enormity of his ingenuity and the quality of his inventions have created a level of distinction which bears his name. Elijah McCoy was born in Colchester, Ontario, Canada on May 2, 1844. His parents were George and Emillia McCoy, former slaves from Kentucky who escaped through the Underground Railroad. Although the name Elijah McCoy may be unknown to most people,the enormity of his ingenuity and the quality of his inventions have created a level of distinction which bears his name. Elijah McCoy, Inventor Who Held Over 50 Patents | | https://b|—heId- | 157.36 | RUB | 2017-05-16T04:31:57-07:00 | 2017-05-17T04:31:57-07:00 |