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2109 data/2017-05/P(1)0004318.pdf 1046 7537 Taylor Armbrester, 10, has been consistently punched, kicked and called demeaning names by bullies at Chelsea Park Elementary School. A 10-year- old Black student at Chelsea Park Elementary in Birmingham, Alabama had to face assaults and harassment by white students, according to Alabamacom. Teachers did nothing. TaylorArmbrester, 10, and his family moved into the area in the fall. Soon, Taylor found out that Chelsea Park Element... ‘I Am White, You Should Be, Too’ | BlackMattersUS.com b|ackmattersuscom https://b|ackmattersus.com/33766-i-am-white-you-shouId-be-too/ 300.00 RUB 2017-05-18T02:15:06-07:00 2017-05-19T02:15:06-07:00

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