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206 data/2016-03/P(1)0001990.pdf 0 15 A St. Paul Police sergeant who posted on Facebook “run them over” about BLM protesters won’t face any criminal Charges. https://b|ackmattersus.com/4678-police-says-run-them-over—and-goes-scot- free/ The sergeant Jeffrey Rothecker, in his Facebook comment, referred to protesters as idiots. He wrote about how drivers could even escape Charges if they ever killed any of the protesters during protests. He out smarted the police department and resigned before any disciplinary actions were taken. The... Police Says “Run Them Over” And Goes Soot—Free | Black Matters Black Matters https://b|ackmattersus.com/4678-police-says-run-them-over—and-goes-scot- 11.77 RUB 2016-03-14T06:11:09-07:00 2016-03-15T06:11:08-07:00

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