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1961 data/2016-06/P(1)0004115.pdf 0 7 Illegal immigrant invasion is going at full speed and drug cartels are their most powerful weapon. Recently a huge drug cartel operation was discovered in North Carolina. Over the course of the investigation, authorities seized six pounds of crystal meth, eight pounds of marijuana, 49.3 grams of heroin, four handguns and $2.5 million in cash, according to a press release. “It would be safe to say that the money would be taken back to Mexico, and that’s where the source of the cocaine was,” special agent Tim Stone said. This is good news, but sadly this operation is just one of the thousands, which makes it just a slap on the wrist. Our traitor government does nothing to prevent drug influx, but only trying to create the presence of an effort. The most part of this poison comes through southern border, but it is still as unprotected as it possibly can be and drug cartels are abusing it as much as they can. At the expense of our tax dollars and lives of our youth, our government officials continue to make some kinds of vile deals with drug cartels to get filthy rich and gain more control over weaken nation. Only a huge wall with gun towers will stop this invasion. Trump is our only hope for a better future! https://www.facebook.com/Secured-Borders-757183957716200/ 192.92 RUB 2016-06-07T00:12:18-07:00 2016-06-08T00:12:17-07:00

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