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185 data/2016-02/P(1)0001970.pdf 1237 16684 26-year-old Mario Woods was killed by the San Francisco police on 2 December. An autopsy released on Thursday shows that Mario was hit 20 times by officers’ bullets. Sixteen of the wounds were said to have gone from “back to front” through Woods’ body, including six in his back and two in the back of his head. Read more: http://b|ackmattersus.com/1760-20-bul|ets-recovered-from-body-of-mario— woods-autopsy-reports-show/ https://www.facebook.com/blackmattersus/ 1500.00 RUB 2016-02-12T07:01:48-08:00 2016-02-15T07:01:47-08:00

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