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179 data/2015-10/P(1)0001966.pdf 1016 11134 WEAR BLACK, FIGHT BACK! CHALLENGE FOR OUR SUBSCRIBERS! October 22nd is one of the most important days for all of us. From 1996 onward people around the country have mobilized for a National Day of Protest to stop police brutality, repression and the criminalization of a generation. The powerful National Day of Protest will be brought in Cities and towns all across the country. Let's make history together! It's time to stand up for our rights and our freedom! Our community has a Challenge for you, guys. All you need to do is: wear black - take a picture of yourself during or right before/after this event - send it to us. Simple as that! We will post all the pictures on our page, so that the whole African American community will know about you and your efforts. It's really important for us to know we're united. It's important for us to know we care about our future. Black Matters will appreciate your efforts too! Check the official website to find an event in your area: http://www.october22.org/ https://www.facebook.com/blackmattersus/ 2998.22 RUB 2015-10-21T07:59:43-07:00 2015-10-22T07:59:42-07:00

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