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1692 data/2016-02/P(1)0000481.pdf 38 57249 Say no to genocide in america. Join our protest that will be held in front of the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York City on February 17, 18, 19. The race is not to the swift, nor does the battle to the strong, but time and Chance happen to them all. as long as black community is not completely irradicated from the land of america, we, the little remaining, will continue to voice our griverances out and strive our way through until we attain freedom and justice. black americans are brutalised everyday and the oppressors go “soot free”. we have no advocate, but we assure” white america” that ones we have lives, our voices are our tool for survival. https://www.facebook.com/Blackluive-1725227467722991/ 5729.70 RUB 2016-02-09T00:13:19-08:00 2016-02-19T13:18:00-08:00

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