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166 data/2015-08/P(1)0001953.pdf 47 323 Prominent Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King revealed to be white Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King has Claimed for years that he is biracial, being born to a white mother and a black father. But recently uncovered records Claim he misled the public about his race, and that he is in fact a white man pretending to be black. King’s race would not be under scrutiny if it was not an essential component of his career, education and social status. In addition to getting a full-ride scholarship that is exclusively for black men, King has the position of “Justice Columnist” at progressive news website Daily Kos and enjoys a 169,000-strong follower count on Twitter, most of whom are a result of his activism following the death of Mike Brown in Ferguson. King’s race would not be under scrutiny if it was not an essential component of his career, education and social status. In addition to getting a full-ride scholarship that is exclusively for black men, King has the position of “Justice Columnist” at progressive news website Daily Kos and enjoys a 169,000-strong follower count on Twitter, most of whom are a result of his activism following the death of Mike Brown in Ferguson. King still did not directly answer the simple yes or no question about his ethnic background: Are you black? Instead, he said, “If you have known me from when l was in elementary school at Huntertown Elementary until now, you’ve known me as black or bi-racial.” Turning blackness into a performance is anti-blackness—irrespective of whether the white person doing it is Rachel Dolezal or Shaun King. https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 78.12 RUB 2015-08-24T08:27:21-07:00 2015-08-25T08:27:21-07:00

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