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1558 data/2016-06/P(1)0003590.pdf 1947 12225 An NYPD sergeant Diana Pichardo that was named in at least 20 federal lawsuits including an allegation of false arrest and police brutality, was caught on a video grabbing a bystander’s phone, arresting him without reason and searching his home without a warrant. Instead of getting fired or arrested for her actions, she is facing only a disciplinary review. The victim’s only crime was filming him while she was assaulting and brutalizing his neighbors! Though it’s legal to film the police, cops are so scared of people recording them. It means that we have to keep following them with our cameras. It’s our only way to prove that they were violent and it’s our only hope for justice! https://www.facebook.com/Dont-Shoot-1157233400960126/ 500.00 RUB 2016-06-07T01:32:27-07:00 2016-06-08T01:32:26-07:00

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